Monday, November 30, 2009

The Girl Child's Education

Education is the key to ending poverty. Two thirds of all those who have no access to education are girls and women. Sixty five million girls and women never even started school, and an estimated 100 million do not complete primary education, often because the quality is poor and their opportunities are far from equal to those of boys. More than 542 million women are illiterate, many as a result of inadequate or incomplete schooling
The slogan of the Indian government for the Girl Child campaign was "A Happy Girl is the Future of our Country". Traditions, customs and social practices that place greater value on sons than on daughters, who are often viewed as an economic burden, still stand in the way of the girl child being able to achieve her full potential. A sustained educational campaign by the government and the NGOs has been started to ensure that baseless discrimination against the girl child is eliminated.
The Government of India has taken measures to protect and promote the Girl Child. It has announced its "Education for All" campaign which is to reach 19-24 million children in the age group 6-14, of whom 60 percent are girls.
posted by manisha sengupta 11012

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